""I wasn't invited to upload MP4 files yet, and I don't know if I'll even be invited at all in life, so I had to bother with this tutorial Encoding, re-sizing, long loading and stuff. Hard work." - Me, on April 23, 2012
That is what I said that month. I still wasn't invited, but the great news is that I got the Swivel program, so that settles that. Just get myself to uploading videos and the first thing is get a trailer up. So stay tooned!
Also, YouTube for the Webdings!
http://www.youtube.com/user/webdingstube" - Me, from 6/7 days ago
Excellent news from God! I now have video access! So for now on, some or most of my stuff will now be in MP4! Yes! So for my first video, the trailer from the Webdings YouTube Channel! I hope you like it!
And also,
He is now starting flash. Stay tuned from him this week!
Plus, he is now on YouTube too.
The picture below by the way shows you what your movies submit page should now look like if you have video access. Have fun!